Admittedly, the most peculiar in the development of lung cancer is a long, secretive, asymptomatic course of the disease. Even in the late period, pathognomonic clinical signs characteristic of it may be absent or poorly expressed.
This largely determines the situation that over the past few decades there is still a significant number of patients with lung cancer being sent for examination and treatment to specialized institutions with advanced stages of the development of the disease.
Our clinic has been developing the problem of surgical care for patients with lung cancer for over 40 years. All these years, the main number of patients with advanced stages of lung cancer. This largely led to a detailed study of the various options for the clinical course of the disease in this category of patients, the development of methods for their surgical treatment. Over the years, over 20,000 lung cancer patients have been examined in diagnostic rooms and medical departments of the clinic, and more than three thousand surgical interventions have been performed. At the same time, 75% of the operated patients had lung cancer in the advanced stages of the development of the disease: IIIA, IIIB, IV.
This situation made it necessary to study in detail the numerous and peculiar clinical manifestations of lung cancer, not only in the early but also in the advanced stages of its development, to highlight some features of the development of primary multiple lung cancer.
A significant impact on the formation of various symptoms and clinical manifestations of lung cancer in advanced stages is exerted by a number of additional disorders that are very characteristic of it. They are associated with the transition of the tumor process to nearby anatomical formations of the chest cavity, lymphogenous and hematogenous metastasis of lung cancer, the formation of paracancrotic inflammatory changes in the chest cavity, and the exposure of the patient to the products of tumor metabolism.
It should also be noted that even with significant tumor development, up to 12% of patients with advanced lung cancer may not have any complaints about their well-being and consider themselves healthy. Then, the recognition of a disease in advanced stages of lung cancer can present difficulties similar to its initial manifestations. Therefore, when studying the clinical manifestations and symptoms of the disease that give good reason to assume the development of a tumor in the lung, all circumstances should be taken into account and taken into account, both directly and and indirectly promoting cancer recognition.
So, it is well known that lung cancer mainly affects men. Among patients with advanced stages of the disease, the ratio between men and women treated in our clinic varied very significantly: 10: 1. This slightly exceeds the similar indicators for all with established lung cancer – 8: 2, 7: 3 and most likely reflects the possibility of diagnosing the disease in the early period of its development.
An important indicator that makes it possible to more accurately navigate the assessment of clinical signs that suggest the development of lung cancer is that this disease occurs almost exclusively in older people. Among patients operated on in the clinic for lung cancer in advanced stages, the average age exceeded 50 or more years. The overwhelming majority of them smoked extensively and intensively for several decades, worked in industries with increased gas contamination and dustiness, and repeatedly suffered from various inflammatory diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.