From the standpoint of modern oncology, the most important properties of a malignant tumor, which have a decisive influence on the course and outcome of the disease, are their ability for uncontrolled, relatively autonomous, infiltrating growth and metastasis, i.e. the […]
The use of autoblood components
The use of autoblood components — autoplasma or autoerythrocyte concentrate is more effective. As studies have shown, harvesting autoplasma in a volume of up to 1.5 liters by the method of single or multiple plasma exchange is possible even in patients […]
Autohemotransfusion support of pulmonary operations
Autohemotransfusion support of pulmonary operations is a traditional area of research conducted at the department, the main results of which were summarized in the monograph by I. Kolesnikova et al. (1979), which was essentially the first major domestic work devoted […]
Restoration of operating blood loss
Maintenance of effective pulmonary gas exchange is obligatory, but not the only condition for the prevention of hypoxia. It is important to prevent violations of the transport of oxygen by blood. In the complex of measures aimed at eliminating or significantly reducing […]
Positional complications of endobronchial intubation
Positional complications of endobronchial intubation due to tube displacement in the distal or proximal direction are also characteristic of single-lumen tubes. In addition, single-lung ventilation always violates the ventilation-perfusion ratio in the lungs with a corresponding increase in the volume […]
Providing pulmonary gas exchange
The degree of nociceptive afferentation and, consequently, the shock level of the operation is determined not only by the intensity of pain impulses from the area of intervention, but also by the state of oxygen balance. Hypoxia reduces the threshold […]
Significant oxygen imbalance
Significant disturbances in the oxygen balance, especially at the beginning of the operation, were also detected when barbiturates were used for induction anesthesia (6–10 mg / kg thiopental sodium), which is associated with direct depressant effects of these drugs on the heart and […]
For local infiltration anesthesia
For local infiltration analgesia, a mixture is used containing 200— ml of a 0.25% solution of trimecain or lidocaine and 50-100 ml of a 5% solution of epsilon-aminocaproic acid. The mixture blocks not only different receptors of nerve structures, but also stabilizes […]
The most common cause of hypotension when injected into anesthesia
The most common cause of hypotension when injected into anesthesia is latent hypovolemia, which can be eliminated even before the operation begins with a quick intravenous infusion of crystalloid solutions (5% glucose solutions) followed by the injection of polyglucin and […]
General anesthesia for pulmonary operations
The main feature of most general anesthetics is the ability to exert a direct and low-selective suppressive effect on all elements of the functional systems that are most intensely working in conditions of pathology. Such an orthodox way of protecting the […]