The generalization of a large clinical material made it possible to propose to distinguish the following types of response to standard physical activity (the basis for such an allocation is a combination of changes in the main hemodynamic parameters): 1. If immediately after […]
Test Rod
Test Stange. The patient is asked to hold his breath for the maximum possible time after a deep breath. The time of holding the breath is determined (s), the pulse rate is calculated in the first 30 seconds of holding the breath […]
Standard functional tests
To assess exercise tolerance in clinical practice, various functional tests are used (with dosed exercise, change in body position, breath holdings, etc.). The greatest practical distribution was received by the PWC 170 test , based on the notion of a linear (within certain limits) […]
For patients with paracancic complications
Significantly low lymphocytosis, high levels of immunoglobulin G in the peripheral blood, and high values of the leukocyte intoxication index were also characteristic for patients with paracancic complications compared with patients without paranormal inflammatory changes . A paracancic infection has a significant […]
Peculiar changes due to paracancrosis
The peculiar changes caused by paracancosis inflammation occur in regional lymphatic collectors. As shown by studies performed in the clinic with lesions of the lymph nodes by lung cancer metastases, there is a certain phasing of the dynamics of morphological […]
The development of reactive inflammatory changes is characteristic of all stages 7
Course of tumor in the lung. They, as a rule, develop in the areas of atelectasis and distelectasis, with peripheral cancer in the immediate vicinity of the tumor, and with the central cancer in areas of lung tissue ventilated by […]
General characteristics of the functional status of patients in the preoperative period
In the preoperative period, with lung cancer cases of lung cancer, it is possible not only to determine the functional reserves of respiration and blood circulation, but also to establish the connection between the revealed disorders and the prevalence of the […]
Characteristics of the method of integral body rheography (IRGT)
The IRGT method is based on the registration of the total pulse measurement of the electrical conductivity of the entire body during the forced passing of alternating current (30 kHz) in a series circuit: hands-trunk-legs. The integral rheogram is a […]
Functional diagnostics. Assessment of the functional state of patients
Diagnosis of the nature and severity of functional disorders caused by the main pathological process and associated diseases is the most important task of the preoperative period. The solution of this task largely determines the tactics of surgical treatment, since […]
Laboratory diagnosis
In some cases, essential information about the stage of the tumor process is provided by laboratory data. Thus, the discovery in the peripheral blood of patients with lung cancer of a large number of immature cells or thrombocytopenia may indicate the […]