The spread of lung cancer metastases within the lymphatic collectors

The spread of lung cancer metastases within the lymphatic collectors of the mediastinum in the ascending direction leads to damage to the supraclavicular lymph nodes. Then patients note the appearance in one or both supraclavicular areas of single or multiple rounded formations, defined under the skin by touch or visible to the eye. As a rule, at first, these formations are painless and have little concern. Over time, they increase, form a dense, inactive conglomerate. The pressure of the supraclavicular lymph nodes on the nerves of the brachial plexus can cause a feeling of parasthesia and the appearance of pain in the arm.

Hematogenous metastasis of lung cancer — an indisputable sign of a far-reaching stage of the disease — with all the variety of its possible manifestations, has some general laws. They are associated mainly with predominant and frequent damage to certain organs. Most often, hematogenous metastases are found in the spine, large bones, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, and brain. Somewhat less often, in the opposite lung.

Depending on the formation of single or multiple metastases, their defeat of one or more organs, the clinical manifestations of lung cancer in such patients differ markedly. Often, the development of a single, solitary metastasis, especially accompanied by characteristic and pronounced signs of local damage, can completely distract the patient’s attention from other health disorders associated with the primary tumor in the lung.

Metastases to the spine, skeleton bones — usually accompanied by early-onset and progressive painful local and radiating pains. Such pains can not be eliminated with painkillers, do not leave patients both in the daytime and at night. Increasing destruction associated with the growth and development of hematogenous metastasis often leads to pathological bone fracture. The pressure of metastasis on the roots of the spinal cord causes severe neuralgic pain, and in some cases disrupts the function of the spinal cord, leading to paralysis of the lower extremities.

Metastasis to the liver leads to a kind of unpleasant or painful sensation in the right hypochondrium. Most often, they do not bother the patients much, but when the biliary tract is involved in the pathological process with the appearance of increasing jaundice of the skin, it always causes them serious concern.

Hematogenous metastases in the kidney or adrenal gland, as a rule, develop asymptomatic for a long time. Sometimes, at the same time , short-term pain episodes resembling attacks of urolithiasis are noted. Solitary metastasis of lung cancer to the brain can be located in any of its areas, depending on this, accompanied by peculiar clinical manifestations. Damage to the frontal lobe for a long time is almost asymptomatic or with not always clear, common signs of damage to the central nervous system: headaches, drowsiness, apathy and loss of interest in what is happening. Later, part of the patients have a successive feeling of unmotivated anxiety, inability to critically evaluate their actions. Damage to the cerebellum of the brain causes a feeling of dizziness, leads to a disorder of coordination of movements and gait, which becomes unstable, shaky. Involvement in the pathological process of other areas of the brain can be accompanied by a variety of clinical symptoms, many of which are very

characteristic of the primary tumor. For this reason, a number of patients with lung cancer with solitary metastasis of the tumor in the brain are sent for examination and treatment to neurological or neurosurgical hospitals.

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