Bowel cancer is a malignant tumor in the colon, which consists of several areas: an ascending colon with appendicitis, a transverse colon, a descending colon, passing into the sigmoid colon and rectum. I stage of intestinal cancer is determined by the magnitude of a malignant tumor that has spread beyond the inner mucosa of the intestine, but has not yet reached the muscle layer. In the treatment of cancer at this stage, recovery is successful in more than 90% of patients.
What causes affect the development of cancer cells in the intestines, doctors, it is not exactly identified, but the factors that trigger the disease are:
– Improper diet: the use of a large number of oily, salty, smoked and fried foods, as well as food that does not have vegetable fiber.
– Substandard food products.
– The appearance in the intestine of a family polyposis (a large number of small benign formations, stage 1 of cancer of the intestine of a malignant tumor located in the mucosa of the large intestine), which can easily be transformed into a malignant tumor, is therefore considered as a possible recurrence of cancer cells.
– Smoking, it provokes any oncological disease.
– Excessive use of alcohol, especially vodka.
– Sedentary lifestyle.
– Polluted atmosphere with exhaust fumes and high dust content of the air.
– Heredity, when a related genetic link can affect the development of colorectal cancer and a malignant tumor in the large intestine. Patients are more likely to be people after 50 years old, in whom close relatives already had such a disease.
– Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, greatly enhance the development of oncology in the intestinal tract.
Bowel cancer develops very slowly, and this process can develop for several years without showing any particularly pronounced symptoms. The main signs of oncological diseases of the intestine differ in the type of cancer and the symptoms are revealed:
– The appearance of blood particles in the feces of the patient.
– Feeling of discomfort in the abdominal cavity and unceasing pain in the abdomen.
– Bloating, uncaused by its rumbling.
– Chronic constipation, non-treatable and rapidly changing diarrhea.
– A feeling of heaviness in the intestines, after emptying.
– Sharp decrease in body weight and loss of appetite.
– Anemia and a manifestation of strong weakness.
The icteric color of the skin, manifested in the late stages of the disease, indicates the metastasis of cancer cells into the liver and gallbladder.
– Intestinal obstruction also develops in the late stages.
In order to detect bowel cancer in advance it is necessary to undergo diagnostic examinations:
– First of all, tests for feces are done to reveal the latent blood that is released in colorectal cancer. This analysis can prevent the disease at the earliest stages of its development, and for people at increased risk, it is necessary to undergo such tests, at least once a year, especially after 50 years.
– Investigation of the internal surface of the rectum with fingers.
– Colonoscopy is a special diagnostic method for detecting colorectal cancer. With the help of a colonoscopy, a tumor can be detected in any part of the intestine in a timely manner and a biopsy can be used to determine the cancer cells.
– Computer tomography of the intestine is done in a three-dimensional image and makes it possible to examine all areas of the intestine for the presence of oncology.
– Sigmoidoscopy – diagnosis of cancer in the sections of the sigmoid and rectum.
When confirming the diagnosis of cancer, additional examinations are done: X-rays, ultrasound and others.