Ectasia of the ducts of the mammary gland – diagnosis, treatment

Ectasia of the ducts of the mammary gland – diagnosis, treatment

The ectasia (dilation) of the ducts of the ducts is usually manifested by discharge from the nipple. However, the color of these discharges is varied, the discharges themselves are viscous and come out of a multitude of ducts on both sides. Women often complain of burning, itching, or dull pulling pain around the nipple or areola.

Under the areola, multiple palpable, tortuous tubular formations are detected. When the process is far advanced, a conglomerate may be formed that is similar to a locally advanced breast cancer (stage III).

The pathogenesis of ectasia of the milky ducts is not fully established. Available data suggest that the main cause is inflammation around the ducts, and dilation of the ducts is the last stage of this process. The expected sequence of events in the development of this disease is as follows: inflammation around the ducts leads to periductal fibrosis, which further causes dilation of the ducts.

However, the cause of the primary inflammatory process is unknown. Treatment consists of excision of the inflamed area of ​​the breast. Microscopic examination in many cases reveals an accumulation of lipid-rich material inside the ducts with concomitant periductal inflammation. As a result of rupture of the ducts, this material can enter the surrounding stroma with the subsequent development of inflammation and necrosis of adipose tissue.

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