Possibilities of angiography in identifying distant metastases

The possibilities of angiography in identifying distant metastases to a large extent, excluding vascularized tumors, are also limited by the size of the node 2-2 cm. The invasive nature of the study does not exclude the possibility of various complications, […]

The geography of possible metastasis in lung cancer

The geography of possible metastasis in lung cancer is extremely extensive. However, the favorite localization of tumor metastasis is the liver, adrenal glands, kidneys, skeleton bones, brain and lungs. Moreover, the organs located under the diaphragm are most often involved […]

Radiation Symptomatology is determined by the type of metastases

Radiation symptomatology is determined by the type of metastases. Nodal metastases, growing exocardially, are quite well detected with the simplest radiation study — multiprojection radiography. They are displayed by a limited swelling of the contour of the heart shadow, which is not […]

About the possible spread of lung cancer in the heart

Symptoms of progressive exudative pericarditis and heart failure also indicate a possible spread of lung cancer in the heart. The most informative method of radiological diagnosis of exudative tumor pericarditis is CT. However, due to the greater availability and cost-effectiveness in […]