The simultaneous and even sequential detection of a tumor in the lung and other organs, until recently, was considered a clear sign of a patient’s hopeless condition. The development of clinical oncology and lung surgery has made it possible to […]
The nature of the main pathophysiological disorders of the postoperative period.
Extended and extended combined pulmonary resections are operations of choice in surgery for advanced stages of lung cancer. In this case, the most traumatic and, consequently, the most severely tolerated patients are combined operations. Studies of the duration of surgical interventions […]
Dynamics of morphological and functional indicators
The dynamics of morphological and functional parameters of platelet hemostasis in the same groups of patients are presented in table 23. From the data presented it can be seen that the studied parameters clearly differed from the normal ones. Baseline […]
Intensive therapy of the postoperative period.
The volume and duration of postoperative intensive care largely depend on the course and outcome of the surgical period for treating patients with lung cancer. It is during the operation that the degree of structural, reflex, hypoxic, ischemic, hormonal and other […]
Monitoring after lung surgery.
The priority value of monitoring in the process of postoperative (as well as intraoperative) intensive therapy is determined not only by the dynamism and polyfunctionality of the changes occurring in the body, but also by the modern possibilities of probabilistic […]
Intensive therapy of postoperative disorders of pulmonary gas exchange.
It is well known that in the early postoperative period all patients have acute respiratory failure. Therefore, already in the first hours after the recovery of consciousness and muscle tone in a patient, it is always necessary to achieve adequate […]
Maintaining effective hemodynamics.
In pulmonary operations, the correction of circulatory disorders is indicated both in cases when hemodynamic changes do not correspond to the increased energy, plastic and oxygen needs of the body (hypodynamic type of blood circulation), and in situations where the […]
Local treatment of patients in the postoperative period.
The success of treatment of patients undergoing advanced combined resection of the lung in the postoperative period is generally determined by rational conduct of a complex of therapeutic measures of intensive therapy aimed at maintaining and correcting the resulting impairment […]
Local treatment and care of the thoracotomy early
Local treatment and care of the thoracotomy wound is carried out according to the general rules adopted in surgery. Skin sutures, in the absence of complications and wound healing by primary intention, are removed on the 10th day. After removal of the […]
Causes of Postoperative Empyema
Causes of postoperative pleural empyema are most often: its infection during surgery as a result of the opening of purulent cavities in the lung, at the intersection of the bronchus or in the postoperative period with suppuration thoracotomy wound, or […]