Intensive therapy of the postoperative period.

The volume and duration of postoperative intensive care largely depend on the course and outcome of the surgical period for treating patients with lung cancer. It is during the operation that the degree of structural, reflex, hypoxic, ischemic, hormonal and other injuries is determined, i.e. The “price” of compensation and, accordingly, the possibility of saving the life and adapting the patient to new conditions of existence. The implementation of this

Opportunities are carried out in the postoperative period, when the formation of functional systems occurs at the beginning of an urgent (emergency) compensation, and then a long-term adaptation. Dynamic control of changes occurring in the body, their timely and necessary adequate correction constitute the main content of postoperative intensive care.

Postoperative intensive care should be strictly individualized and complex. Only compulsory carrying out the whole system of therapeutic measures, including prevention and treatment of pulmonary gas exchange disorders, normalization of the amount and composition of circulating blood, treatment of microcirculation disorders, prevention of circulatory hypodynamia, restoration of homeostasis, can achieve uncomplicated postoperative course. Intensive observation, especially in the early and near postoperative periods, makes it possible to clarify and specify the originality, the particularities of the disorders that arise, to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy being carried out, and to recognize in the early period the complications that arise.

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