The last stage of rectal cancer is characterized by multiple metastases. Most often secondary malignant foci are formed with rectal cancer in the liver, lungs, adrenal glands. In this case, the tumor sprouts all layers of the rectum and affects neighboring organs. Can be affected: the large intestine, bladder, genitals, perineal tissue.

At 4 stages, the most pronounced symptoms appear:

  • digestive disorders,
  • including periodic intestinal obstruction (complete obstruction may develop);
  • bleeding; perforation of the rectum (in this case an immediate operation is required);
  • vomiting; painful symptoms (often difficult to bear, requiring strong drugs to stop);
  • intoxication of the body,

caused by the decay of the tumor. Metastases in the lungs cause breathing disorders, coughing, shortness of breath. Secondary foci in the liver cause rapidly developing liver failure. Bladder disorders can cause urination problems and urinary incontinence.

Since malignant processes in 4 stages are in a neglected state, the treatment is palliative – doctors try to prolong the life span and make the patient’s existence more comfortable.

Operations are performed to remove individual metastases – for example, in the liver or abdominal cavity. Chemotherapy is prescribed almost always, using a large set of drugs – 5-fluorouracil, capecitabine, irinotecan, oxaliplatin. Alternatively, targeted therapy drugs may be used that reduce the activity of metastasis: monoclonal antibodies that inhibit the growth factor receptors of cancer cells. Multiple metastasis leaves little chance for patients to have a positive outcome of treatment. Only 5-10% of patients overcome the five-year survival limit.

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