High blood pressure at admission

High blood pressure when the patient is admitted to the hospital is not an absolute contraindication to surgical interventions. The main attention should be paid not so much to the initial level of blood pressure, as the degree of its reduction under the influence of therapy, including antihypertensive drugs, salt restriction, saluretics. The choice of antihypertensive drugs for arterial hypertension was determined by its type: idiopathic (hypertension) or symptomatic (renal hypertension), Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, etc.), the effect of previous drug treatment. During preoperative preparation, it is important to reduce systemic arterial pressure to such an extent as to consistently eliminate the common manifestations of arterial hypertension.

Congestive heart failure in history or directly in the preoperative period with right-ventricular decompression associated with age-related changes, obesity, and most often with secondary pulmonary hypertension against a background of diffuse pathological changes in the lungs, as a rule, is a contraindication to pulmonary resection. Severe operative trauma, postoperative intestinal paresis, associated with resection of the lung, a sharp decrease in the capacity of the pulmonary circulation leads to a further increase in pulmonary hypertension and the development of severe, sometimes irreversible, disorders

central hemodynamics in this category of patients. In the stage of compensation and subcompensation right ventricular failure

detected in the process of studying the parameters of external respiration, the presence of ECG – signs of overload of the right heart, indirect data of the integral rheography of the body, a significant spread of pathological changes in the lungs. Preoperative preparation of these patients requires special care and should be carried out on the basis of complex therapy, aimed at improving the function of respiration, as well as at correcting all parts of the blood circulation. In doubtful cases, the question of the possibility of performing a resection of the lung is finally decided on the operation, using direct measurement of pressure in the pulmonary artery system.

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