Increased contractility

An increase in myocardial contractility is achieved by a complex therapy aimed at normalizing metabolic disorders in the heart muscle, improving coronary blood flow. In the clinic, cardiac glycosides are prescribed before a lung operation not only with clinically distinct heart failure, but also with its latent forms, which are diagnosed using the integral rheography of the body, with an IC less than 35 ml . m – . Against this background, ECG data, indicating focal changes in the myocardium and post-infarction scars, are not grounds for refusing radical intervention, but indicate the need for systematic use of coronarolytics (long-acting nitrites — bushes, nitrong, nitrosorbitol) and drugs that reduce oxygen myocardium (Intensine, Riboxin), with a simultaneous improvement in collateral circulation, dipyradamol (Persantin, chimes). In cases of significant violations of the myocardial trophism (with exhaustion, endogenous intoxication), drugs are used that increase its plastic properties (potassium orotate, anabiotics, panangin, etc.). Under conditions of such complex therapy, vasoconstriction arising from the use of cardiac glycosides and the possibility of increasing myocardial afterload is leveled by the action of vasodilators (methyldof, nitrites, dipyridamole), while the systematic use of nitrites, reducing vascular resistance and in the systemic circulation, can disrupt myocardial perfusion. Directional treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, even in the presence of pronounced manifestations,against the background of such therapy, it allows patients to endure the most difficult operations.

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