Metachronic primary multiple lung cancers

Metachronic primary multiple lung cancers are characterized by sequential, often after a long time — up to several years — the onset of clinical signs and symptoms characteristic of the primary tumor of other organs as well. This is especially pronounced in patients who have undergone surgery in the past for various malignant tumors.

The formation and development of a malignant tumor in the lung, especially in the far advanced stage of its development of the disease, has an adverse effect on the course of concomitant diseases present in many patients. Then their often torpid, correctable and stopable by drugs development takes a different character. The appearance of clinical disorders and complaints, which are most characteristic of lung cancer, is supplemented and exacerbated by those associated with these diseases. In this case, the clinical symptoms of lung cancer become very unusual, diverse and even “masked”. Similar changes in lung cancer can occur at any age, but they are most often observed in people over 50 years of age, who are the main

contingent from among all sick. Among the patients treated in our clinic, they prevailed, and more than 18% of them were over 60 years old. Moreover, a noticeable aggravation of both age-related and, in particular, disorders caused by concomitant diseases was noted in 80% of cases.

The range of complaints presented by such patients includes many of the disorders noted by them, among which due to the actual development of lung cancer, they often occupy less significant, secondary positions. Then the nature, and often the variety of complaints made by patients, can create the first impression of a peculiar, “atypical” clinical picture of lung cancer or, in view of the multifaceted nature of its manifestations, suggest the idea of ​​a very extensive blastomatous lesion.

A long study of these changes showed that the widespread tumor of the lungs in patients with advanced cancer stages always adversely affects their associated chronic diseases of other organs and systems.

The pathogenesis of such adverse changes includes the impact on the patient’s body of products of tumor metabolism containing biologically active components, metabolic and nutritional disorders, and in cases of paracancrotic inflammatory changes in the lungs, also various manifestations of purulent intoxication. The development of paracancrotic inflammatory changes is always accompanied by pronounced changes in the blood coagulation system, suspension stability of blood, hematocrit, protein fractions. In such patients with lung cancer, paracancrotic changes lead to the development of anemia, hypoalbuminemia, hyperfibrinogenemia, and a decrease in the fibronolytic activity of the blood. Paracancrotic infection has a significant effect on the structure and properties of red blood cells and platelets, and the aggregation activity of red blood cells increases.

In patients with lung cancer in the advanced stages of the development of the disease, pronounced pathological disturbances in the functioning of many vital systems of the body occur: cardiovascular, respiratory, hematopoiesis. Significant changes in plasma and cellular homeostasis occur, and the immunological tolerance of the body decreases. This leads to exacerbation, exacerbation of the clinical manifestations of concomitant diseases. It was noted that often the adverse changes that occur in the torpid course of concomitant diseases in patients with lung cancer occur due to a violation of the regimen, the regularity of taking medications that were previously used systematically. Usually this is due to natural anxiety, anxiety that occurs when establishing lung dysfunction, requiring examination in a surgical clinic. Then all other interests and concerns often fade into the background.

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