The content of preoperative treatment

The content of preoperative treatment is determined by the primary disorders of the functions or diseases of individual organs and systems, as well as disorders associated with the course of the underlying disease. In the presence of marked paracancosis inflammatory changes, the treatment of general and local manifestations of infection may be the main content of the preoperative preparation of patients with lung cancer.

Impaired lung function due to blastomatous process in the lung, its complications, as well as age-related changes and comorbidities is characteristic of most lung cancer patients with advanced stages of the disease. Thus, in patients operated in the clinic, various dysfunctions of external respiration were detected in almost 70%, while in most cases there were moderate to severe degrees of these disorders.

Setting the goal to improve the compensatory abilities of the sick organ itself, the lungs, primarily pursue two goals: to reduce the activity of concomitant bronchitis and the intensity of paracancrosis in the pulmonary parenchyma and surrounding tissues. Verification of the inflammatory process in the respiratory zone and

improvement of bronchial patency not only improves the external respiration, but also has a beneficial effect on the state of pulmonary hemodynamics, reduces manifestations of right ventricular insufficiency of the heart, and has a positive effect on myocardial contractility.

Improvement of lung function is achieved by prescribing bronchodilators, expectorants, suppressing cough (especially during a night’s sleep), antibiotic therapy directed (taking into account the sensitivity of microflora), reducing paracancotic inflammatory changes in the lung. The use of so-called phthytic agents (nitrofuran preparations, low doses of cytostatics) with extensive perifocal inflammation increases the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy. In this direction, intravenous fluids of a 1% solution of calcium chloride also act favorably, 250–5–300.0 ml five to seven times a course of treatment, especially in patients with paracancrosis and chronic bronchitis. To maintain up to date the synthesis of surfactant and the prevention of atelectatic phenomena during surgery and in the postoperative period,Bromhexine is an effective treatment.

If patients have paracancic abscesses, empyema, the treatment is carried out according to the rules adopted for the treatment of these diseases: pleural punctures, washing the pleural cavity, drainage.

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