Favorable effect on the condition of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract

A vapor-oxygen inhalation with aromatic herbs (chamomile, mint, chabritz, eucalyptus leaf), aerosol ultrasound inhalations with bronchodilators (ephedrine, novodrin, alupente), antibiotics (according to the microflora sensitivity spectrum), and anti-septic agents and heart-shaped respiratory tracts have a beneficial effect on the mucous respiratory system; ), mucolytics (proteolytic enzymes, acetylcysteine). The use of ultrasonic foggers ensures the supply of drugs to the respiratory zone of the lung itself and accelerates the resolution of inflammatory changes.

With significant disorders of the drainage function of the bronchi, the presence of purulent tracheobronchitis with a large number of pussy sputum, it is advisable to supplement the treatment with nasotracheal washes, and reorganization of fibrobronchoscopy. For the rehabilitation of the tracheobronchial tree, solutions of furacillin (1: 5000), sodium bicarbonate (1-3%) with the addition of proteolytic enzymes and antibiotics are commonly used.

Equally important in the preoperative preparation of patients is breathing exercises. Preoperative physiotherapy using a set of special breathing exercises, under the supervision of a methodologist, is carried out taking into account the data of the survey on the nature and extent of the intended operation. Patients are taught rational breathing, special breathing exercises and techniques: diaphragmatic breathing, drainage positions, effective clearing. Rational coughing in the drainage position and vibration massage of the chest have a significant and rapid beneficial effect on pulmonary gas exchange. The acquired skills should be fixed by the patients outside of the classroom by performing the exercises themselves.At low reserves of external respiration, it is possible to conduct training sessions of assisted artificial ventilation of the lungs through a mouthpiece using volumetric respirators or breathing apparatus with responding devices.

Increasing the viability of the life support systems of the body is carried out in different directions. One of the most important is the correction of the existing violations of the cardiovascular system associated with the main and associated diseases, age-related changes. Before surgery, it is important to evaluate

compensatory capabilities of the circulatory system as a whole and its various units in order to conduct preoperative preparation differentially: contractility of the myocardium, changes in the vascular system as a whole (severity of arterial hypertension, vascular paresis) and in its individual regions (small circle, vascular systems of the heart and brain ).

Restoring impaired functions requires significant stress adaptive responses. Therefore, a detailed assessment of the compensation of respiration and blood circulation in patients with lung cancer, the directional treatment is largely determine the success of surgical treatment. The more common the blastomatous process, the more responsible this task.

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