Any injury or other impact that violates the structural integrity of the organism is naturally accompanied by the inclusion of response, phylogenetic and ontogenetically determined programs of urgent unstable and relatively stable long-term compensation. The implementation of these programs occurs […]

In case of shallow disturbances of water and electrolyte balance

In case of shallow disturbances of water and electrolyte balance and protein metabolism, an enteral pathway can be used to correct the existing disorders. Patients are prescribed abundant drinking (in the absence of contraindications), high-calorie diet with high protein content, means […]

The effectiveness of preoperative therapy

The effectiveness of preoperative therapy and the portability of the subsequent operation is largely determined by the severity of volemic disorders, impaired water-electrolyte balance, protein metabolism, and the state of the oxygen capacity of the blood. Therefore, the correction of metabolic […]

Favorable effect on the condition of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract

A vapor-oxygen inhalation with aromatic herbs (chamomile, mint, chabritz, eucalyptus leaf), aerosol ultrasound inhalations with bronchodilators (ephedrine, novodrin, alupente), antibiotics (according to the microflora sensitivity spectrum), and anti-septic agents and heart-shaped respiratory tracts have a beneficial effect on the mucous respiratory system; ), […]