Any injury or other impact that violates the structural integrity of the organism is naturally accompanied by the inclusion of response, phylogenetic and ontogenetically determined programs of urgent unstable and relatively stable long-term compensation. The implementation of these programs occurs […]
Ill th with a change in kidney function
Patients with a change in renal function, with a history of acute and chronic diseases, should be considered as threatened with the development of acute renal failure in them. This determines the planning of blood transfusions, the selection of funds to […]
In case of shallow disturbances of water and electrolyte balance
In case of shallow disturbances of water and electrolyte balance and protein metabolism, an enteral pathway can be used to correct the existing disorders. Patients are prescribed abundant drinking (in the absence of contraindications), high-calorie diet with high protein content, means […]
The effectiveness of preoperative therapy
The effectiveness of preoperative therapy and the portability of the subsequent operation is largely determined by the severity of volemic disorders, impaired water-electrolyte balance, protein metabolism, and the state of the oxygen capacity of the blood. Therefore, the correction of metabolic […]
Circulatory failure
Insufficiency of blood circulation in the brain, previous strokes significantly increase the risk of surgery, however, we consider only hemiparesis with impaired respiratory muscle function as a contraindication to surgery, which has a significant negative effect on the respiratory apparatus, […]
High blood pressure at admission
High blood pressure when the patient is admitted to the hospital is not an absolute contraindication to surgical interventions. The main attention should be paid not so much to the initial level of blood pressure, as the degree of its reduction […]
Increased contractility
An increase in myocardial contractility is achieved by a complex therapy aimed at normalizing metabolic disorders in the heart muscle, improving coronary blood flow. In the clinic, cardiac glycosides are prescribed before a lung operation not only with clinically distinct […]
Favorable effect on the condition of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract
A vapor-oxygen inhalation with aromatic herbs (chamomile, mint, chabritz, eucalyptus leaf), aerosol ultrasound inhalations with bronchodilators (ephedrine, novodrin, alupente), antibiotics (according to the microflora sensitivity spectrum), and anti-septic agents and heart-shaped respiratory tracts have a beneficial effect on the mucous respiratory system; ), […]
The content of preoperative treatment
The content of preoperative treatment is determined by the primary disorders of the functions or diseases of individual organs and systems, as well as disorders associated with the course of the underlying disease. In the presence of marked paracancosis inflammatory changes, […]
Preoperative preparation of patients with lung cancer in advanced stages of the disease as a leading component includes measures to improve the safety of surgery and a favorable course of the process in the immediate postoperative period. They are based on […]